4.26.8: New BoA:Audio Podcast feed
After what seems like forever, we've finally gotten our in-house podcast feed up and running.
You can access the new feed @ http://www.binnallofamerica.com/podcast.xml
Just add that to your podcasting software or iTunes and you will be back on track with BoA:Audio. The new feed has our complete archive of Seasons III, Two, and One on there right now.
A search of iTunes for "binnall" will bring up both our old and new podcast feed. You can tell the new feed because it has our latest episode up already (Tom Shachtman) and will have the BoA logo as a picture ::

We are working on getting the old feed removed from iTunes soon to avoid confusion. We'll also be going back over the BoA:Audio archive and switching all the podcast links over to the new feed so that newcomers will be up to speed.
As such, the old feed will not be updated any longer (except for perhaps a mini soundbite alerting folks to the new feed) and the new feed will be where you can get the latest episodes.
Thanks for your patience while we were working on this. It took longer than expected, but we wanted to be sure that we got it right and had a reliable in-house feed that will be accessible at all times.
As usual, your feedback is appreciated. We're still working out some of the minor kinks in the new feed, but it is working very well on iTunes right now and will be 1000 times more reliable than our old feed.
All new BoA:Audio episodes will return next weekend, May 3rd/4th. Preview forthcoming @ BoA sometime next week.
You can access the new feed @ http://www.binnallofamerica.com/podcast.xml
Just add that to your podcasting software or iTunes and you will be back on track with BoA:Audio. The new feed has our complete archive of Seasons III, Two, and One on there right now.
A search of iTunes for "binnall" will bring up both our old and new podcast feed. You can tell the new feed because it has our latest episode up already (Tom Shachtman) and will have the BoA logo as a picture ::
We are working on getting the old feed removed from iTunes soon to avoid confusion. We'll also be going back over the BoA:Audio archive and switching all the podcast links over to the new feed so that newcomers will be up to speed.
As such, the old feed will not be updated any longer (except for perhaps a mini soundbite alerting folks to the new feed) and the new feed will be where you can get the latest episodes.
Thanks for your patience while we were working on this. It took longer than expected, but we wanted to be sure that we got it right and had a reliable in-house feed that will be accessible at all times.
As usual, your feedback is appreciated. We're still working out some of the minor kinks in the new feed, but it is working very well on iTunes right now and will be 1000 times more reliable than our old feed.
All new BoA:Audio episodes will return next weekend, May 3rd/4th. Preview forthcoming @ BoA sometime next week.
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