7.13.8: BoA:Audio season finale: status report

Just popping in here with a status report on the season finale of BoA:Audio, Season III.
Since we were delayed by 3 days with our posting of the penultimate episode with Linda Moulton Howe, along with Summer distractions that we haven't faced before (but are this year since we are going so late into July) and an uptick in my off-site work for the month, the final schedule for the season finale is as follows ...
Wednesday, 7.16.8 :: text preview / audio recap of Season III & audio preview of finale
Sunday, 7.20.8 :: official release of the season finale w. Jacques Vallee
I've edited a quarter of the interview so far and it is outstanding and illuminating already. The editing of the remainder of the show ought to be done by Monday evening.
In truth, we probably could have rushed out the episode in time for release by Tuesday, but I much prefer to take my time with the final edit of the interview, ensuring that it sounds the best that it can. And I also need the additional time to put together the season recap and finale audio preview (something we haven't done since Season Two).
I believe that the release of the final episode of the season should be placed in the proper context as the culmination of 9 months worth of 31 episodes and that the additional "buffer zone" of a few extra days does just that.
Hopefully, our listeners won't mind the slight delay, especially after they've heard the interview. Trust me ... it's worth the brief wait.
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